XMpLant 7.1

Is the tool to enable Lifecycle Information Interoperability using ISO 15926
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7.1 See all
Noumenon Consulting Limited
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XMpLant is the tool today to enable Lifecycle Information Interoperability using ISO 15926 (LI3) between commercial systems and other standards. XMpLant has been adopted by the major vendors of process plant design systems because it has been proven to work on major projects and it is the only tool that handles geometry for process plant. As it can handle any class of object and has a powerful mapping subsystem, it can be used to convert between any object Classes. It works with systems across the lifecycle as well as enabling exchange between systems in any given part of the lifecycle.
Main features:
* Interfaces for the major process plant systems (PDS, PDMS, AP, SmartPlant etc)
* Generic core – can handle complex structured models and geometry
* Powerful rule based mapping subsystem – powerful attribute handling
* Powerful analysis and reporting tool
* Generic interface for XML, Spreadsheets and RDBMS tables
* Exchange XML file model defined in Schema - ISO 15926-3,4 classes
* Specification and Piping Catalogue conversion
* Multi-Model handling merge and split
* Converts unstructured dumb drawings to structured intelligent ones
* Converts unstructured dumb Excel Datasheets to intelligent Datasheets
* Generic Comparator for process plant model comparison – P&ID & 3D
* Read interface for IFC’s for building models



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